About Us
We are a professional company, office locate in Suzhou China. And we have 4 branch factories locate in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hebei. All more than 50 people. Mainly focus on the specialised field of precision ground glass level vials , opto-electronic level sensors, bent glass vial, engineer levels, Inclinometers, Digital-levels, angle-sensor.
In the fields ,we are rapidly expanding and aim to be the leading worldwide manufacturer in the coming years. Our SuZhou Office team mainly responsible for design. 4 factories mainly responsible for production.” Industrial belt” is a new “concept” in China. Our strength comes from our company structure, resource collocation, professional design. All of these can service you well.

Our Culture
We located in Far East ,can control low costs is undoubted. The problem people ask is that can you find a well design application for customer? Our Suzhou Office Team is focus on resolve this problem. Now, we can production, we can design. All of these is better and better , and will be more better tomorrow. Our people work in this filed for many years, we like it. We have enough passion in this filed.
All of these push us together forward. We like and have ability ensures that our products are built efficiently, highest possible standard, and delivered on time.
Our Customers
Medical devices, robotics, construction, renewable energy, oil and gas and offshore through to military and aerospace, are our customers range. More than 100 hundreds counties, Europe, America, Asia…., every part of the world have our customers.
Our People
Every employee is the owner of our company, and the company gives employees enough respect. In such an environment, everyone has passion / creativity to work. Now, we are also have the best possible tools. All of these, form our team.
Quality is very critical. Engineering people knows that quality problem are inevitable, All of our team work is to resolve it. We have business and quality management system toward ISO9001 certification, which is the core of our work. Our work aim is to find quality problem quickly and resolve it in time. We face these challenge and overcome it. Now, we are change stronger and stronger.
Our History
L.V Level Co., Ltd, Our factory in Hebei more than 40 years, from a company 5 people , grew up steadily year on year. Suzhou office was established on 2015, aimed to electronic and digital inclinometer design.
Our Lab equipment
EMC compatibility testing system;
Vibration endurance level testing platform;
Split wide-range thermotanks;
High water pressure tanks used to test the IP level of sensors
6 rotation platforms which are used to calibrate the accuracy of all tilt sensors
2 wide-range thermotanks used to calibrate the temperature drift of sensor
2 set high water pressure tanks used to test the IP level of sensors
10 Sets of automatic testing system